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Ideally, we would like to conduct a lot of interesting research and make all of it freely available.
As you can see, we have not gotten very far with that yet. So if you are interested in partnering with us and getting some more research done, please do let us know!

Dev Funk - How about not repeating the same mistakes again and again?

Resource: Conference Presentation
File type: PPTX
Slides: 24
Size: 16 : 9
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Presented at the Developer Conference during the BMT 2019/2020 in Bremen, Germany
Last updated: 1st January 2020

Rewinding the Clock: Playback Concepts in EGS-CC

Resource: Conference Paper
File type: PDF
Pages: 15
Size: US-Letter
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Published by A Softer Space, as ESAW does not publish papers
Last updated: 22nd May 2019
Resource: Conference Presentation
File type: PPTX
Slides: 43
Size: 16 : 9
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Presented at the 7th European Ground System Architecture Workshop in Darmstadt, Germany
Last updated: 22nd May 2019

EKSE: A Command Line Interface for EGS-CC based Systems

Resource: Conference Paper
File type: PDF
Pages: 15
Size: US-Letter
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Presented at the 2018 SpaceOps Conference in Marseille, France
DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-2336
Last updated: 25th April 2018
Resource: Conference Presentation
File type: PPTX
Slides: 19
Size: 16 : 9
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Presented at the 2018 SpaceOps Conference in Marseille, France
Last updated: 25th April 2018

Reference Graph Construction and Merging for Human Genomic Sequences

Resource: Master's Thesis
File type: PDF
Pages: 116
Size: A4
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Defended at the University of Iceland in January 2016
URI: 1946/23636
Last updated: 29th August 2017
Resource: University Presentation
File type: HTML (based on: reveal.js)
Slides: 33
Size: 4 : 3
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Defended at the University of Iceland in January 2016
Last updated: 27th January 2016
Resource: Web Application
File type: HTML
Tabs: 5
Author: Moya Schiller
Status: Defended at the University of Iceland in January 2016
Last updated: 27th January 2016